The first year of college is very daunting. You think you have time to figure out what you want to do for the rest of your life, but before you know it, it’s time to declare a major.
Math and science have never been my specialty, so I took a chance on what the CWU Communication Department had to offer.
From courses like Intro to Mass Communication to Interpersonal Communication, I enjoyed learning, analyzing, and evaluating the functions and theories of communication.
My interest in communication led me to the Central Communication Agency. I knew I was heading in the right direction for my career path because I had only found joy in doing class assignments once PR became the focus.
Working with real-life clients and producing quality material for them to use has been the most gratifying experience for me at CCA. In my first three quarters in CCA, I’ve worked as an Account Coordinator with Kittitas Valley Healthcare, an Account Executive for Ellensburg Community Radio, and now as Assistant Firm Director of CCA.
I first met Firm Director Abu Agyeman in our Intro to Public Relations class, and now we find ourselves putting our leadership skills to the test to run this agency for the next two quarters.
The constant support from Abu, the members of CCA, and our Advisor, Jennifer Green, has helped propel my confidence in my writing, design, speech, and leadership skills.
The final quarter of my senior year is a stone’s throw away. While counting down the days for graduation, I’m still trying to fit in as much experience as possible in these next few months. From writing for PULSE Magazine, interning as a social media manager for the communication department, to being Assistant Director of the Central Communication Agency, these connections and my portfolio make me think I can succeed in the PR industry.