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Synergistic Success: The Power of Collaboration

Benita Jangala

Updated: May 30, 2024

Central Communication Agency gained Valley Theatre Company as a client this Spring Quarter of 2024. VTC is a nonprofit organization dedicated to fostering artistic growth and community engagement through theater arts. Since its founding in 1999, VTC has been committed to providing high-quality inclusive theater experiences for the Kittitas Valley community.

It has been such a pleasure to work with the Executive Director of VTC, Jessica Solberg Black. I appreciate the clarity and purpose she brings to meetings and her communications.

It makes my life as a CCA Account Executive for Valley Theatre much easier. Part of this is because we both have very high work ethics, we work hard, and we collaborate well. I’m very grateful for this.

Our main priority at CCA has been to increase ticket sales for the upcoming spring play, “The Somewhat True Tale of Robin Hood”.

I’ve been working with Molly Spilker and Lucy Leydon on this goal. They, too, have been such a pleasure to collaborate with. They both have been working hard on attending rehearsals and helping with filming for Social Media post content. They have created some very delightful posts.

CCA was fortunate enough to start collaborations with the CWU Wildcat Films Program. Our

team has been working with Yo Goodell, Tyler Hague, and Mia French from Film. VTC

and our team at CCA have been extremely happy with their professionalism, and the

high quality of work they have achieved.

All of these collaborations have given us many successes. We provided VTC with a press release with a well-written concise boilerplate, they have been able to use the

information from this PR in numerous applications.

Our CCA team contributed to the

Robin Hood Play program booklet that went to print. To name a few contributions to the booklet, we added some graphics, the synopsis, and the Events Page.

We’ve produced numerous social media posts with high-quality, engaging videos, and still pictures. We created a radio announcement for the Robin Hood Play that was aired on ECR, and KXLE. It was music to my ears. So fun!

The quarter is not done. We’re in the process of creating 2 more press releases, more social media posts for Robin Hood, and doing interviews with VTC board members for their 25th Season Anniversary. Plus, they are now in rehearsals for their blockbuster summer musical play, Anastasia. We plan to give VTC a good marketing launch for that! Exciting times!!

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